Equity in Lung Cancer Care

If you’re interested in sharing with us your experiences with cancer treatment, please click above. You will be directed to select a time and date to meet with one of our study staff. We will send you a zoom link and the meeting with be held virtually. If you prefer, you can also call us to schedule a time.

English: (323) 865-3639
Spanish: (323) 442-0016


The links below have an assortment of resources you may find useful.

The ACS site offers valuable patient-centered information and many links about lung cancer for further information.

The NCI site provides comprehensive information of all types of lung cancer.

The CDC site offers information on prevention, risk factors, the perils of indoor tanning and incidence rates across gender and race.

If you have been diagnosed with lung cancer, this link can offer more information on the options available to you for treatment.