Equity in Lung Cancer Care

If you’re interested in sharing with us your experiences with cancer treatment, please click above. You will be directed to select a time and date to meet with one of our study staff. We will send you a zoom link and the meeting with be held virtually. If you prefer, you can also call us to schedule a time.

English: (323) 865-3639
Spanish: (323) 442-0016

Frequently Asked Questions

ELCC stands for Equity in Lung Cancer Care.

The Equity in Lung Cancer Care Study is trying to understand how patient, physician, and health care delivery issues influence care for non-small cell lung cancer patients.

Your participation will help us develop ways to improve treatment of lung cancer. You will receive $40 for your time and effort.

For the first part of the study, taking place from November 2023 through March 2024, we are conducting one-on-one health discussions, both with patients and with physicians.

Topics for patients include treatment, decision making, interactions with physicians, insurance type, as well as sociodemographic topics like country of birth, race, level of education, and income. Participants may skip any question they do not wish to answer.

Topics for physicians include facilitators and barriers to treating patients with early-stage non-small cell lung cancer, including patient factors, clinician factors, and practice factors. We also have sociodemographic questions like country of birth and race/ethnicity. Physicians may skip any question they do not wish to answer.

We received your name from the California Cancer Registry (CCR). Each state is required by law to report the names of patients who are diagnosed with cancer. There are links to the CCR brochure we send out with our study invitation letter on the top of our Resources page. You can also find more information about the California Cancer Registry.

The California Cancer Registry was created by the California Legislature in the 1980’s in response to public concern that not enough was being done to find the causes and cures of cancer. Every cancer diagnosed in California is required by law to be reported to the California Department of Health Services, which is responsible for the registry. Information on individuals with cancer can only be released for research purposes to qualified researchers who have obtained approval for the study from a federally approved Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects and have agreed to maintain the confidentiality of the information they collect.

We did not obtain your name from your health care provider.