Equity in Lung Cancer Care

If you’re interested in sharing with us your experiences with cancer treatment, please click above. You will be directed to select a time and date to meet with one of our study staff. We will send you a zoom link and the meeting with be held virtually. If you prefer, you can also call us to schedule a time.

English: (323) 865-3639
Spanish: (323) 442-0016


Click on the video to see Dr Albert Farias, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Population and Public Health Sciences, Co-Director of the PhD program in Epidemiology Faculty of the Gher Family Center for Health Systems Science and Member of the Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center at USC discuss the science behind the Equity in Lung Cancer Care Study.

Introducción en español

Introducción al estudio de equidad en la atención del cáncer de pulmón.

Research Assistant

Angel Arizpe, MPH